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Monday, June 21, 2010

Who Can I Run To?

Well the discussion at work today was marriage. The guys (35+) viewpoint came from currently being in a marriage for x amount of years, while us girls had thoughts on what we could expect from being in a marriage. Let me just say this had to be the most depressing conversation I've ever had. After every man admitted to cheating on their wife with the excuse being "Nobodies perfect" I knew this might be a wake up call. When I reminded them that they took a vow to their wife and God, one quickly cut me off and said "vows don't mean anything." -_- One man said the only reason he got married was "I felt the need to settle down" O_o That's it. Are you serious! He had no compliments about her other than "I felt the need to settle down." Am I the only one living in a fairytale world where I would want my husband to tell people he got married because "I found my soul-mate," "to spend my life with my best friend" or even "being a committed support system for the person I love." Shit something thoughtful. The other thing that scared me was these are grown ass men not twenty year olds they were 30+ men. A BIG WHAT THE FUCK. Then one guy asked what I wanted. Nobody has ever asked me that before so it literally took 10 minutes to respond. I told him I wanted a best friend. Simple but true. Of course there is no rush I'm only 20 but after this conversation I'm just a tad disturbed.


Shay said...

Taylor! This is such a reality check. The mind set of females and males are so different. I thought that as we matured the idea of commitment (being a choice made out of love and not convenience) was on the minds of not only females, but I guess I was wrong.

But the little bit of hope I still have is telling me that there is such thing as soul-mates and that the possibility of running into a guy who truly wants to invest in the idea of marriage because they can't live without me, is possible. But don't worry we'll find THAT guy!

Taylor's World said...

RIGHT, it was a big WOMP. Forreal. All in time though shit marriage and kids are not anywhere near my PLANNED future