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Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Moody; adjective
1. expressing or exhibiting sharply varying moods; temperamental
2. given to gloomy, depressed, or sullen moods

Evidently this can be described as 85% of my personality. After a series of epiphanies and verbal confirmation (lls) maybe I do have something I need to work on. But who wants to admit "It's me with the problem." Womp. But I'll adjust myself accordingly.


Shay said...

#hellno. Everyone else is crazy.
( =D )

Taylor's World said...

Lmao this is reason 1-541 why I haven't taken a look at myself bwahaha

Kierra said...

This is random as shit but I had to tell you via ur blog that I'm officially Mrs. Frostburg...for now. haha..
BUT ANYHOO!!! hows school, i dont know if you have a working cellular device so this is my way of reaching out to youuuu...this msg was all over the place but i'm really ADHD right now cuz i should be doing a million of things for school right now!! but for anyone else who reads this never mind me

AND JUST TO MAKE THIS SOMEWHAT REVELANT>>>>> we all in the same moody club and personally, for me, i couldnt give two fucks =)

Taylor's World said...

LMAO girl my phone is RIP and I been waiting a week now for the new one womp. But yesss hmmm maybe I'm next in line for a man to crown me queen tehehe. Yea and me not giving a shit is a gift and a curse.