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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reality Takover

With my illegal cable back I'm back in the game. They've managed to do it again, provide me with entertainment with these questionable shows.
----"I used to be fat"
First reaction - "Damn I'm lazy as shit" This show makes you feel like "damn why am I on the couch right now?" I sat and ate cupcakes this last episode by the end i felt a little disgusted with myself lmao but no seriously. Glad these people are setting an example to anyone who has issues with their weight. I don't know who motivated me more the trainers or the actual people.
----"16 & Pregnant/ Teen Mom 2"
First Reaction- "I'm going to hell for laughing" There is not even an estimate of times I called one of these girls a "dumb bitch" All I do is smh when I watch this I cannot believe half the stuff these girls say of what happens to them. But they are teens I guess. Taylor Shrug.
----"Basketball Wives"
First reaction- "Here these bitches go" I'm going to write this as if these girls can actually see it
Shaunie- Please, please act your age. Yes, Shaq cheated with homegirls sister but if you stalk that girl (Gloria) one more time I will be forced to call Vh1 and tell them them to rename the show "Mean Girls Adult Edition" Seriously Shaunie your a grown ass women calling your "posse" to ambush THE SISTER and badgering her about her own relationship is clearly middle school.
Gloria- I got a little more respect for you this season. I'm glad ur out the bandwagon, but at the same time don't try to act picture perfect its gonna come back right in your face. You and Suzie having a relationship strictly on the fact that yall hate the other girls is gonna get you so far. *SIDENOTE* As being a person who has first hand seen buddies become "bfffffff's" off the fact that yall have a common denominator makes you look elementary. All you do is gossip about how much you hate "her" not really the typical foundation for "bfffffff's"
Suzie- Learn to watch ya mouth, the situation may have been blown out of proportion but when someone feels betrayed they snap. I'm glad you realize you don't need them either, do you, get your career, and go about your life it'll piss Evelyn off so bad cause you don't give a shit. *SIDENOTE* Yall have realized that when you don't give attention to the people that don't like you it make them more mad right, you know since your going about with your life like you should.
Royce- Your like a cute child. But I must say the way you set up that ambush attack made u lose some cool points. I'm waiting till someone pushes you over the edge I wanna see that inner raft I know You have.
Jennifer- You are so dumb *Antwon Dodson voice* Please get a divorce, the man damn near virtually already signed the papers in his head. He's cheating you know it, hell we know it and we only see yall an hour a week. He doesn't want to seem like the bad guy so he is gonna wait until YOU ask for the divorce. No fucking way in this devils hell I'm texting my husband to set up a date. I should not an apv out on my husband. And yes we get it you don't want a divorce because your a commoner well its time to move on sweety, he's doing him with or without the divorce and you the one looking dumbing sending pigeon carriers tryna find him. You might see that if you get ya head out Evelyns ass.
Evelyn- HAVE A FUCKING SEAT. Clearly you saw yourself on TV and got a little excited. I'm here to let you know without this show we clearly would not know who the fuck you are and with the show your pretty much still irrelevant. Yes Suzie talked shit, we all have had this happen, make your adjustments and move the fuck on. So you were tryna rub into Gloria's face that she doesn't have a ring, let me remind you that you waited 10 years and still aint get a ring. GROW UP. I can't wait till Tami get her hand on you
Tami- You are my homegirl in my head, along with Wendy Williams, Amy Winehouse and Tiffany aka New York. Anywho I'm glad you actually bring the reality into this. You don't beat around the bush which is why I respect you. You also clearly show that you don't need this posse. Your Awesome in my book.
-Sigh, now back to the TV-


Shay said...

This was hilarious! I DIED when I read "mean girls: adult edition" and "Evelyn- HAVE A FUCKING SEAT!" It's probably because I have fantasies of saying that to my mother, but any who...

I don't know whether I should get into this show after reading it or not. Most of the chicks sound delusional which is why I'm skeptical but I might have to take a siesta from my, "no reality shows ever again" decision, and watch all the episodes online to catch up. Even tho I'm over this genre of television I can't resist a good bitch fight!

Taylor's World said...

Girl its coonery at its finest, ugh like a guilty pleasure. Them bamas got me tuning in every sunday

Krys said...

I was laughing the whole time reading this. They really do need to grow the fuck up reminds me of the petty shit that would happen at tj smh

Taylor's World said...

Right we could talk for days about how dumb they look and our dumbasses still watching hehe