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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oprah's Just Like Us

Yeah, Oprah ain't inevitable to everything. She's a coon just like us. She found out she has a long lost sibling, which is always awkward *cough* Anywho the thing that stood out for me was the way her mom reacted when Oprah was questioning her. Ummmm whats the word HESITANT. It rung a bell to me because thats how my mom gets when you've caught her in something. And yes the next question is "What is next?" I mean Oprah might take her on a few trips here and there. As far as giving that bama lump sums of a Mil. Doubt it. As a "behavioral scientist" (as my professor would say) a couple things came to my attention. it funny how both Oprah and her mom dealt with pregnancy. Her mom didn't tell anyone she was pregnant and gave a baby away and Oprah tried to have a secret pregnancy as well, but the baby ended in miscarriage. So now we have to wonder what psychological issues could have been passed down genetically. Interesting. PS. You still my girl Oprah

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